I sell a wide variety of crystals, shapes and forms.  Each have unique features and metaphysical properties.  I struggle to remember what each does so I wouldn't expect you to remember what it said on the cards at the fayre.  I have copied the info from the cards below.  Hopefully my grasp of the alphabet still works!!

Agate, blue

Agates are grounding stones and have a powerful connection with Mother Earth. Agates are called the earth rainbow, thanks to their unique concentric bands


Blue agate can enlighten and at the same time ground you. If you’re feeling anxious, lonely or desperate it is one of the best stones that you can have in your life.

Agate, botswana

Gives intense energy that resonates directly with third eye and crown chakras. It helps in balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and harmonises yin and yang. It is also said to repel spiders!!

Agate, moss

A stone of new beginnings that refreshes the soul, enabling you to see beauty in all you behold. It has a lovely positive energy and is said to increase hope and optimism and to improve confidence and self-esteem

Agate, pink

Agates are grounding stones and have a powerful connection with Mother Earth. Agates are called the earth rainbow, thanks to their unique concentric bands


Pink agate is an exceptionally calming and soothing stone that could dispel fear and impart strength, energy, and courage.

Agate, tree

Self-expression, Happiness, Personal Reflection, Self discipline


It is fossilised tree resin that must be at least 10,000 years old to qualify as Amber. It bridges the energies between 3D and higher self. It is a powerful yet gentle cleanser and healer, it draws out and transmutes negative energy.


Its properties help to relax your mind, body, and spirit. It is a staple stone for a crystal lovers collection and it is powerful for a variety of intentions.

Amethyst Aura

Its ions.


The traditional birthstone for March, it creates a flow between the heart and throat chakras, allowing you to speak from the heart. It enables wisdom, intellect, knowledge, and clarity of the mind


Good luck, optimism, confidence

Calcite, Banded

This is great for cleansing and clearing your environment of negative energy. It multiplies positive vibrations and is a must have for your home, office, or healing area

Calcite, caribbean

A mix of calcite and aragonite, this crystal is a grounding stone believed to help with focus, multi-tasking and recognising ones purpose in life

Calcite, Chocolate

Increase your awareness of prosperity and opportunities for personal growth within your life.

Cat's Eye

Thought to make its wearer emotionally stable, fortify their spirit and protect from all types of negativity; physical, energetic and emotional. It is strength giving; helping to keep you strong through testing times. Promotes concentration and may help students with studies and remaining focused.

Calcite, Mangano

A heart healer, its energies allow one to find resolution while extinguishing negative filled emotions within. One can then reach a sense of harmony and learn to achieve mental peace


This is a beautiful peaceful stone that supports goddess energy.  Taking loving energy from the heart chakra, it helps you speak out about things that are important to you.


Known as ‘the Merchant’s Stone’ due to its ability to transmute energies quickly and easily. It helps bring your energies back into balance, spreads positive, energetic light. It is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will.

Cotham Marble

Used for decoration and jewellery and decoration since the 18th century, this is only found in and around Bristol. It is named after the Cotham area of Bristol.

It is composed of fossilised remains of Stromatolites, formed in a shallow sea 205 million years ago during the Triassic period. At that time the land Bristol sits on was close to the equator


Golden Healer

Sometimes referred to as a “master healer”, it has powerful healing properties. It can be both calming and strengthening, gentle as well as powerful. It is believed that it has the ability to bring healing to every aspect of your life, leaving you balanced emotionally, spiritually, physically, and metaphysically.

It helps release old negative thinking patterns, heals past wounds, and gives courage and self-confidence


This crystal works to align, clear and balance your root chakra so you feel centred and secure. It is ideal for those who wish to heal through confronting their past, slowly and gently

Howlite (Dyed)

Pain, anger, spiritual consciousness

Jasper, Dalmation

Playfulness, grounding, calming

Jasper, Poppy

Vitality, Inner strength, Encouragement

Jasper, Red

A bold stone that empowers the spirit. It helps you in considering your life purpose and is the number one stone for manifesting strength, courage and wisdom

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